Friday, October 31, 2008

Iguazu Falls

I just got back from my first ACA trip. We went to Iguazu Falls up in the most northern tip of Argentina. A nice 15 hour bus ride, but it was definitely worth it. There was so many different water falls, they actually cover about 2 miles total. One of my favorite parts was a boat tour that took us really close to one of the falls, we were so close that i couldn't see anything and was completely soaked, but it felt really good because the humidity is out of control!
Every night we would have a small worship and one night a big group of us stayed after and sang a ton of songs. It reminded me alot of Mivoden. I loved it! We have a couple really fun black people in our group that lead the singing which made it lots of fun cause they are so hard core into singing :) I did get sick one of the days, but alot of us did. Luckily im better now :)
All in all it was such a fun trip! we played games at night like mafia and spoons, took a billion pictures, stayed up way too late every night and watched tons of movies, especially on the way back. Im excited for all the other trips we get to go on :)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Grapefruit, Happiness, and Anger

I love Grapefruit Juice.  I bought some today.

That's how much it was....
Seven freaking dollars and 26 cents.
One Carton.


The Cleaner Sister...

Chelsey, I dedicate this wonderful picture to you. You would have been very proud of me today.  I cleaned.  A lot.  And it reminded me of all the good fights we had when we lived together.  One in particular that is making me laugh right happened at 9:30 pm, I had just gotten off work and was exhausted.  You were determined to make me vacuum.  I remember you sitting on our comfy chair reading a magazine trying to tell me that I could not go visit Dustin at his apartment until I vacuumed the room.  You were pissed...furious. I believe that one ended quite badly, or that might be a different one i am thinking of....hmmm i guess there were quite a few ;)  Either way, I want to say thanks for all you did last year to keep our room cleaned.  Now that I think about it I really didn't do much except kill the spiders for you.  Well what I wanted to say in all this is I love you and I would have let you sit on my couch and watch a movie today while I cleaned all day.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Thank you!!!

Chelsey, thank you.  I feel like that was a little bit of a lame excuse for taking so long, but thanks.  But you can't write one and then never again.

Mountains, Mountains, Mountains...

I love mountains.  I think that if i was here and there weren't any mountains i would go crazy.  

luckily there is a range of mountains that divide the island.  I love driving through them.  The road that I take is actually a tunnel that goes right through the middle of them.  Then you come out on the other side and look down on the whole city of Kailua and Kaneohe.  Every time i see the view it makes me thankful that I am alive, and that God is artistic.  

We hiked up here, and it was unbelievable.  
It felt a little like home, mountains, clouds, and a 
little bit of rain.  

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Hola! from the other sister that is alive

Tiffany, i love you.
I'm sorry that i haven't written on this yet, sometimes when i have to learn new things i get lazy and put it off :) I blame that on the culture down here. Everything is on the slow side. For example all the stores close at 12:30 until 4:30 because that is siesta time and then at night groups of family and friends sit around and drink mate for an average of 2-3 hours. And then because they take naps and drink drinks at night that have a far amount of caffeine in them they stay up late into the night. Also moving their dinner time to around 11:30. I realized that this fits my personality perfect, making me absolutely love all of it here! 
so in conclusion that is why is has taken me so long to write on my own blog :)

Friday, October 17, 2008

Cheap Dates, and even Cheaper cars....

Chelsey, I have the coolest story ever for you.  See if you can beat this.  Dustin put an add on Craig's list saying he was looking for a cheap car.  This guy contacted him a few days later and told him about a car he had for 800 dollars.  Sounded pretty good, and the car was pretty nice.  So Dustin offered him 600 for it.  The guy accepted the offer, and told us to come pick it up.  So Dustin and I planned a rather expensive date of buying a car and seeing a movie.  So yesterday we went to pick up the car.... And he freaking gave it to us for free.  Then we went to Wal-Mart and took full advantage of the movies they show to advertise their big screen T.V's.  We watched the new Indiana Jones Movie.

Free Car+Free Movie at Wal-Mart=Best Date Ever!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Today was one of those of those days where a teacher doesn't enjoy teaching.  I went to bed 45 minutes later than usual, did not expect it to effect me as much as it did.  I freaking couldn't function today.  every movement was a chore, every child a thorn in my side, patience was out of the question. Good news for my students parents today, i pretty much hated their kids.

One good thing did happen.  It gave me joy and it entertained me.  After school i do a daycare for kindergarten and 1st graders.  I sit in a little area and play my ukulele while 10-12 kids run around out of control.  By this time, i no longer care what rules they choose to follow, or not follow.   If they get hurt that's their problem.  But this particular time i had  4 kids and they all ran at me at once, all pointing fingers, all yelling, and all calling the other names.  My first thought was..."Does it really matter if she/he called you stupid, ugly or retarded,"  and my second thought was, "Let's pretend i am all alone i can't see or hear anyone."  So i ignored them, and kept playing and singing to myself.  Eventually they stopped and waited for me to do something.  This  is what I did.  I sent them all away except a boy and a girl who where in the thick of it.  And I told them to sit down right in front of me.  I was going to give them a talking to about how treating each other with love and respect did not require name calling.   Not enough energy.  So instead i decided to let them have an intimate bonding moment.  I told them to face each other sitting cross legged, touching knees, and to stare into each others eyes for five minutes.  2 minutes into it, i told them to keep looking into each others eyes but to think about things they can do to show that they are friends.  Then at the end of five minutes i told them to share their ideas.  Unimportant as to what they said, more importantly it was the only real laugh i had all day.   
CHELSEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! get your butt online, and write something!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I like the snow.... i also like the beach.  Chelsey i can't decide. this is stupid.  You never answer me, but i am not going to give up.  One day i am going to log on and there is going to be a blog from you.  And maybe even a picture.  And i am going to think, "oh good my sister is alive and she is even doing something over there, which i would know if you ever wrote or told me.  I got excited about cleaning my refrigerator out today, that's how lame i am.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Not really sure what i am doing....

  I Just wanted  to set up a blog stop for Chelsey and me but i can't seem to figure out what the heck i am doing.  This seems way more complicated than i thought it would be.  But Chelsey, you have lots of time please use this. Nobody will read it except those we tell about it, so just pretend it is kind of like an online journal.  I think that is the only way i will be able to look at it.  Otherwise i will just not ever write.  But please write, i think that we could make it really cool.