Sunday, October 19, 2008

Hola! from the other sister that is alive

Tiffany, i love you.
I'm sorry that i haven't written on this yet, sometimes when i have to learn new things i get lazy and put it off :) I blame that on the culture down here. Everything is on the slow side. For example all the stores close at 12:30 until 4:30 because that is siesta time and then at night groups of family and friends sit around and drink mate for an average of 2-3 hours. And then because they take naps and drink drinks at night that have a far amount of caffeine in them they stay up late into the night. Also moving their dinner time to around 11:30. I realized that this fits my personality perfect, making me absolutely love all of it here! 
so in conclusion that is why is has taken me so long to write on my own blog :)

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