Monday, November 24, 2008

Terere Time

This blog is to my whole family, who are having a little family vacation in Hawaii without me. Although I should have seen this coming sense we did this to Tiff when she was in Astralia.
Well I want you to know that I miss each one of you very much and wish that I could be there for my birthday, your birthday mom and Thanksgiving. Instead I get to take lots and lots of tests in 2 days so that I can leave for Buenos Aires. 
Sometimes when Im walking around this town I wish that you all were here so that you could see what I do every day. I always thought that living in a small town would drive me crazy. But I love it! Everything is seriously no more than a 3 min. walk at the most. It's always fun because you never going anywhere without see someone you know and stopping to give them a kiss and ask about their day. 
This picture is from sabbath afternoon where it seems that the whole town goes to hang out and let their kids play on the playground. I never realized how much of a culture thing drinking mate or terere (the cold version of mate, kinda like ice tea) was, but its all about being around friends and family and spending time with them. 
This past week (this part is for mom and dad) I had to write a 2 page research paper in spanish SINGLE spaced and I got and A- on it! Happy Birthday Mom! lol jk
I love you all!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Left Out Sis :(

HEY!! so Im the third blaser sister that apparently Tiffany forgot about when she was making this whole blog thing. ya.. just wonderin what was goin through ur head there tiff. thanks for thinking of me. i know you miss me but dont make it too obvious or anything. Today dad and i went horseback riding in the dark. ... well actually dad went joggin while i rode captain but thats his problem cause he wont get a horse. but its ok cause im working on that slight problem. ok i love you both lots and lots even though im forgotten! I MISS YOU GUYS!!!!!!!! XOXOXO

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Germs and the Bus

Chelsey, you would have been especially disgusted with my last bus experience.  I was headed over to the other side of the island after school one day to visit Dustin and I was really tired.  When the bus finally came around I was a little disappointed to see that i was going to have to stand the whole time because it was so crowded.  I was standing right by this kid who was probably 14 or 15, had on a dirty white tank top and didn't look very friendly.  I didn't think to much about it but i couldn't help watch him as he sat there.  There was a girl that was sitting near him, not next to him, but one seat over from him.  And he kept trying to talk to her.  I thought they new each other, because they kept making eyes at each other and he eventually put his arm around her.  Then i saw him do something that almost made me throw up.  He picked a scab on his arm until it bled, and then he actually wiped the blood with his finger and then wiped it on the hand railing.  I instantly felt sick to my stomach.   He did this a few times until he got distracted by this girl again.  When she finally got off the bus, turns out they didn't know each other before this bus ride, anyways when she did get off the bus he started entertaining himself by blowing spit bubbles.  I don't know if i can ride the bus for a while.  I felt sick for a long time.  I got of the bus and felt like i should shower.  it was the worst hour i have had in a very long time.  I think you probably would have said something to him.  I wish you had been there.