Saturday, May 16, 2009

kin·dred spir·it (plural kin·dred spir·its)

somebody like you in character: somebody who resembles somebody else in character, interests, and temperament

Contessa are awesome.  I just want to make sure that anyone who googles your name will hopefully come across this blog and read it and be made aware of your awesomeness.  I can't think of more than a few people who have talked and dreamed with me and then made those things reality.  My favorite thing about Contessa is that when we talk, its not just the I'm-gonna-dream-about-this-but-don't-expect-it-to-actually-happen, kind of talk, its the Let's-dream-about-this-and-then-make-it-happen kind of talk.  I was thinking today how many things we have done together...its a lot, and our plans for the future and it made me smile, because I know with us, some of our craziest dream-talks are going to happen. And they are going to be awesome.  Just like the ones we have already done.  Those who still don't understand the awesomeness of this girl, well let me give you some examples.  She has traveled the world, (well a lot of it), went and ran up Mount Rainer, ran a marathon, Jumped out of a plane at thousands of feet, is an amazing cook, goes hiking at 5 am, goes cliff jumping, and does a million other things that are extremely hardcore.  
  So even though we don't always see eye-to-eye on every single thing, I am so thankful for our many adventurous excursions and our exciting plans for our future.  What ever you chose to do you are going to be awesome.  So PA or Doctor, what does it really matter, either way both of them are going to easily support your diversely active lifestyle.  Ok, that may be simplifying that decision a little to much.  

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