Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Today was one of those of those days where a teacher doesn't enjoy teaching.  I went to bed 45 minutes later than usual, did not expect it to effect me as much as it did.  I freaking couldn't function today.  every movement was a chore, every child a thorn in my side, patience was out of the question. Good news for my students parents today, i pretty much hated their kids.

One good thing did happen.  It gave me joy and it entertained me.  After school i do a daycare for kindergarten and 1st graders.  I sit in a little area and play my ukulele while 10-12 kids run around out of control.  By this time, i no longer care what rules they choose to follow, or not follow.   If they get hurt that's their problem.  But this particular time i had  4 kids and they all ran at me at once, all pointing fingers, all yelling, and all calling the other names.  My first thought was..."Does it really matter if she/he called you stupid, ugly or retarded,"  and my second thought was, "Let's pretend i am all alone i can't see or hear anyone."  So i ignored them, and kept playing and singing to myself.  Eventually they stopped and waited for me to do something.  This  is what I did.  I sent them all away except a boy and a girl who where in the thick of it.  And I told them to sit down right in front of me.  I was going to give them a talking to about how treating each other with love and respect did not require name calling.   Not enough energy.  So instead i decided to let them have an intimate bonding moment.  I told them to face each other sitting cross legged, touching knees, and to stare into each others eyes for five minutes.  2 minutes into it, i told them to keep looking into each others eyes but to think about things they can do to show that they are friends.  Then at the end of five minutes i told them to share their ideas.  Unimportant as to what they said, more importantly it was the only real laugh i had all day.   

1 comment:

TaraB said...

I want you to know that I laughed for a good 2-3 minutes after you called me and told me that story, and then had to hang up because their parents were there. Brilliant!