Monday, January 12, 2009


So the one big complaint i have about Hawaii is, the cockroaches.  I think I could be here forever and no matter how many times i see one it will still produce the same feelings in me. Fury that rises up from my stomach, that they would dare have the nerve to run around where i can see them.  My body instantly starts tensing up as the cockroach and i stare at each other both trying to decide what to do.  Well good news my friends, i have finally figured out a solution to my unending hatred for Roaches.  I discovered tonight another purpose for my amazing odd talent at towel snapping, and cockroaches seem to provide the perfect target.  I discovered this talent in an odd sort of way tonight.  I happened to be sitting on the toilet ( too much information, sorry but it plays a key part in my discovery ).  So while sitting there i see a giant cockroach run out from the garbage can by me, i can't step on it cause it is to far away, and i can't throw something at it cause it probably won't kill it.  Meanwhile the roach has frozen in this corner about 3 feet away from me.  I have frozen on the toilet knowing that if i move it is going to run under the door... but then i spotted the towel hanging right in front of me.  Brilliant!  So i slowly rolled the towel up just how i like to, i try to aim the best that i can from my awkward position...SNAP!  Deep satisfaction as both i and the two halves of the cockroach have a whole new respect for my talent. 


TaraB said...

Tiffany! That's AWESOME! Gross...on a couple different levels....but AWESOME.

I miss you. Let's talk soon.

Nicholas said...

i am proud to know you.

Unknown said...
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Mindy said...

This has got to be one of the best things I have read in a long time. I know just how you feel about cockroaches. When I first got to Honduras I would scream when I saw one (I am not a screamer...that is how much I dislike them!). I found myself standing on a chair or on the table on a few occasions. But by the end of the year man did I get good at killing them! The worst was at night when I needed to go to the bathroom...I always knew I would find at least 2 of those evil creatures in there! I would open the door flip on the light and have my shoe would freeze and debate what to do...I would have to smash it quick to make sure it did not run at me into my dark room where I knew I would never find it. Man...yea I sure do not miss those days!

Tiffany said...

what is up with roaches everywhere? the other day while i was brushing my teeth a massive roach tried to crawl down my pants, luckily it flew up to my shoulder, lol!