Wednesday, May 6, 2009

if i was rich...

I think if i was rich i would like to go to bars.
bars where the waitresses wear short skirts 
with their bras showing because they think it 
will get them more tips.  Bars where the waitresses 
point and laugh with the other waitresses because
you aren't ordering any alcohol.  Bars where the 
waitresses have a black eye that's covered up with
to much eye makeup.  Bars where the waitresses 
have been so beat up with life that they have forgotten
how to be dreamers.  I want to go to these bars and leave
them tips in the amount that they have never dreamed of 
seeing before.  And i like to think that they would take this
money and buy themselves a new life.  But i guess that's
not how it works, i guess money isn't really what they 
need, or is it?  What do people like this need, or are they 
actually content with their way of life.  I would have liked to
ask my waitress all these questions tonight but i guess that 
doing something like that isn't socially acceptable.  But then 
again i think that a lot of the things Jesus did probably wasn't
socially acceptable either.  I think i should live a more socially 
unacceptable life.  Although I am not sure i want to.  happy cinco
de mayo.  


TaraB said...

It would be nice to think that a contribution of a significant amount of money would make them want to get out of that place, but the reality is that they probably wouldn't even know that that's what they need...a new life. Or even if they did, they wouldn't know how to get it. Man, so many broken people, seeking for acceptance and love in all the wrong places. I like your thought about being more socially unacceptable. Hmm...I'll have to think about that more. You're awesome Tiffany. Thanks for making me think.

I can't wait to see you soon!

Nicholas said...

yes. these questions are good. i think i might do something socially unacceptable soon.

Mindy said...

This was really good! So true too...I think we do need to live more socially unacceptable.